Here at Tradissima, we are happy to support all your linguistic projects, regardless of language, line of business or scope.
Drawing on our passion, our expertise in various fields, our extensive experience and our values, we commit to meeting all your needs while remaining attentive, open-minded and guaranteeing high-quality and accuracy, responsiveness and confidentiality.
Quality is at the heart of our mission
We begin upstream, by seeking to understand and identify your needs (definition of a budget/deadline).
Then the translation is carried out and terminology questions are asked if necessary. This guarantees that the translator uses the right words in the right place and remains true to the company’s culture and philosophy. The translation is carefully and thoroughly proofread: a real and essential QA process is carried out.
To guarantee consistency from one project to another, we create translation memories and terminology bases, which also enables us to gain customer loyalty. We welcome all constructive comments and feedback in order to promote constant and continued improvement.
Responsiveness: one of our guiding principles at Tradissima
Client requests are often urgent and require a great deal of flexibility. We commit to answering all your queries within 2 hours, along with providing a very precise estimate and deadline. Both will be kept to at all costs.
Deadlines depend on the length of the text and its degree of technicality and are always agreed on in advance with the client.
We are also able to process emergency translation projects in view of quickly delivering documents that meet your requirements.
Security and confidentiality guarantee
Security and confidentiality are key aspects of the business world. All translations carried out by us are saved and archived on dedicated backup drives.
This means we are able to provide you with a copy of your documents on request. Moreover, we commit to doing all we can to guarantee the utmost confidentiality regarding the nature of the translation mission as well as all texts and personal information you entrust us with.
We use professional anti-virus software and secure data transmission systems.